At VCS Spring 2024, GAM Esports has a series of changes compared to themselves at the recent World Championship 2023 when names like Kati, Slayder or Palette have all left.
GAM has an impressive unbeaten record
In particular, according to recent statistics from the VCS Organizing Committee, Pyshiro possesses a series of extremely beautiful parameters after the first phase of the VCS Spring 2024 group stage ended.
Pyshiro possesses many beautiful parameters
However, for many VCS audiences, the performances in the domestic tournament cannot confirm anything.
The audience is still skeptical and must wait until there is an international award to confirm Pyshiro’s talent
Furthermore, the group stage of VCS Spring 2024 has only passed nearly 1/3 of the way and there will be a very long time for Pyshiro to prove himself.
Furthermore, Pyshiro only played well when both Levi and Kiaya and their teammates were good
And more importantly, when Pyshiro does not perform as expected, how will the VCS community view the young player.