Recently, director Kunihiko Ikuhara was accused by an anonymous woman of plagiarizing her work and asked to apologize.
Famous author Reki Kawahara also revealed her own story.
`Some time ago, a person claiming to be the original author of Sword Art Online contacted me. That person was not upset, but just wondering why their work was published without permission.
At that time, I thought that proving that I was the author/copyright holder of a work with objective facts was not easy.
If someone sues me saying that Sword Art Online plagiarized, I can easily prove that I posted it on my personal page back in 2002, but it will take a lot of documents and effort to prove that the copy is plagiarized.
If there is a certificate like a patent… but if such a system is established, it will likely be abused.
Sword Art Online is a famous anime and novel with many fans.
It is alarming when an author in Japan or anywhere in the world is accused of plagiarism.
Plagiarism not only affects the accused author but also the entire industry, eroding the integrity and belief in the creativity and originality of the work.
The creative industry, including the animation and literary industries in Japan, should strive to promote originality and copyright protection, and provide support and resources for ethics education.